Fuocoammare di Gianfranco Rosi | 15:30 proiezione del film, a seguire: Flusso migratorio: una gestione efficiente è possibile R. Pozzo, Direttore Dip. Scienze Umane e Sociali, Patrimonio Culturale - CNR S. Paone, Scienze della Pace - Dip...
07-10-2016Erina Ferro (WNLab ISTI) e Stefano Chessa (Dipartimento di Informatica dell’Università di Pisa) partecipano all’Internet Festival con un intervento dal titolo “Come l’informatica può aiutarvi nella terza età … e non solo”.
26-09-2016September 26-29 2016, Pisa, Italy Call for Papers Abstract submission: April 18, 2016 Paper submissions: April 25, 2016 Notification: June 19, 2016 Final version: July 10, 2016 For more information and for abstract submission visit ...
20-09-2016La notte dei Ricercatori in Toscana 30 settembre 2016 Programma
14-09-2016September 14-16 2016, Bremen, Germany Call for Papers Abstract Deadline: Apr 26, 2016 Paper Deadline: May 3, 2016 Special Sessions Proposals are due in Mar 29, 2016 For more information and for abstract submission visit the FDL we...
13-09-2016For more information and for abstract submission please visit the website. The abstract submission system is currently available and will close on June 15th 2015.
06-09-2016Mobile HCI 2016 is the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. It is the premier forum for innovations in mobile, wearable and personal devices and the services accessible through them. Impor...
17-07-2016The 39th ACM SIGIR Conference welcomes contributions related to any aspect of IR theory and foundations, techniques, or applications. Important dates: Jan 14, 2016 Abstracts for full research papers due Jan 21, 2016 Full research papers due Ja...
01-07-2016The INFRA project "ARIADNE" (http://www.ariadne-infrastructure.eu/) has organized the third edition of the Trans-National Access (TNA) event on "2D/3D Documentation for Archaeology". This one-week event was organized by CNR-ISTI in Pisa on June 2...
07-05-2016The aim of the 3DOR Workshop series is to offer a forum for discussion and interaction among researchers interested in 3D object retrieval, search and exploration, and favor the cross-fertilization between different fields such as Computer Vision, Co...