Two projects of ISTI have won at the international initiative
( has won in the "Best DH Tool or Suite
of Tools" category. DanteSources is a Digital Library, based on
an RDF ontology, which allows retrieving information about Dante
Alighieri's primary sources, i.e., the works of other authors
that Dante cites in his texts. DanteSources is the result of the
collaboration between the Digital Libraries group of the NeMIS
Lab of ISTI-CNR and the Department of Philology, Literature and
Linguistics of the University of Pisa.
First runner up in the same category was 3DHOP: 3D Heritage
Online Presenter (, developed by the
Visual Computing Lab. Jackson Pollock: Alchemy in 3D (
has won in the "Best Use of DH for Public Engagement" category.
The Visual Computing Lab, in collaboration with the
Opificio delle Pietre Dure and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection,
has carried out the three-dimensional diagnostic analysis of the
painting "Alchemy" by Jackson Pollock.