A paper contributed by the Visual Computing Lab, entitled Adaptive Quad Patches: an Adaptive Regular Structure for Web Distribution and Adaptive Rendering of 3D Models, won the Best Paper Award of the 17th edition of the ACM International Web3D Confe...
15-05-2012ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) publishes papers of significant and lasting value in all areas relating to the innovative use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in support of Cultural Heritage. We encourage the...
29-11-2011The prize has been awarded to F. Bobillo and U. Straccia for their paper "Fuzzy Ontologies and Fuzzy Integrals".
07-10-2011Yahoo!’s Faculty Research and Engagement Program is designed to produce the highest quality scientific collaborations and outcomes by engaging with faculty members working in areas of mutual interest. Through this program, academics across the g...
19-09-2011The automatic analysis of images and signals in medicine, biotechnology, chemistry and biometry is a challenging and demanding field. Signal-producing procedures by microscopes, spectrometers and other sensors have found their way into wide fie...
18-09-2011The July 2011 issue of the journal IEEE Computer hosts a special issue on "Computationa Archaeology", which includes a paper by R. Scopigno and colleagues of the Visual Computing Lab entitled: "3D models for Cultural heritage: beyond plain visualizat...
11-07-2011Digital Signal Processing illuminates and explores the path of creativity in the field of signal processing. DSP, which has a high impact factor, is One of the oldest journals insignal processing.
30-06-2011The prize, granted by Spanish Society on Virtual Archeology (SEAV) during the annual conference Archaeologica 2.0. held in Seville, Spain - June 22-24, 2011, is given to international personalities who have contributed significantly to the d...
23-06-2011On June 6, 2011, Tommaso Bolognesi (ISTI) has been awarded the 4th prize in the Essay Contest 'Reality: Digital or Analog'? launched in November 2010 by FQXi, the Foundational Questions Institute. The title of the essay is: 'Reality is ultima...
22-12-2010Gianpaolo Palma was awarded for his Master Thesis work on PTM/RTI visualization. The thesis concerns new methods and a system to visualize Reflection Transformation Images (RTI), i.e. images that allow the user to select interactively the illuminatio...