Bending the light: Next generation anamorphic sculptures

Day - Time: 10 July 2023, h.10:30
Place: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa - Room: Faedo
  • Nico Pietroni (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)

Paolo Cignoni

This seminar presents a new method for generating artworks that extends the classical anamorphic archetype to use freeform reflective and refractive media and 3D surfaces instead of images. The methodology uses a mix of raytracing and surface deformation techniques to determine the proper deformation the object should undergo to be corrected by the optical tool once viewed by the observer in a specific location. Our approach also includes an optimization process that modifies the point of view and the location of the target image to avoid unwanted optical effects or occlusions. We successfully tested our technique on several practical examples and employed it to produce actual artworks.