Here we present some of the software resources developed at ISTI. We provide links to the dedicated web pages of the related research laboratories.

Thematic Area: Networking
  • Sensorweaver
    Link:  Lab: WN

    SensorWeaver is a platform to develop applications in Artificial Intelligence scenarios based on distributed sensor networks. The platform has been initially developed within the research projects universAAL, PERSONA, and GiraffPlus, then updated within the DOREMI project.

Thematic Area: Software
  • KandISTI
    Link:  Lab: FMT

    KandISTI is a framework for the exploration, analysis and model checking of models, specified in a variety of languages, abstractly modelled as doubly labelled transition systems, supporting a branching-time, parametric, state- and event-based temporal logic. This framework is composed of the tools UMC, VMC, FMC and CMC. All the tools are directly accessible online from the website of the FMT lab. There are over 500 citations in Google scholar to papers describing the various tools of the KandISTI family since their inception two decades ago.

  • MOTHIA - Model Testing by Human Interrogations & Answers
    Link: Lab: SEDC

    MOTHIA implements an approach to support the validation of domain models, by reducing the knowledge gap that separates modeling experts and domain experts.

Thematic Area: Knowledge
  • gCube
    Link:  Lab: InfraScience

    gCube is a software system specifically designed and developed to enact the building and operation of large scale infrastructures providing their users with a rich array of services suitable for supporting the co-creation of Virtual Research Environments and promoting the implementation of open science workflows and practices. It is at the heart of the infrastructure ( that operates 165 Virtual Research Environments serving more than 12,000 users. More than 150 papers cite gCube.

  • D-Net
    Link: Lab: InfraScience

    As a natural consequence of multi-disciplinary research and the strong requirement of immediate access to digital information, research communities manifested the need to cross-operate over content from several possibly heterogeneous and autonomous data sources. Such a demand brought in a novel class of software systems, called aggregative data infrastructures, whose aim is to address the specific data collection, processing, and consumption needs of the community. The D-Net Software Toolkit was designed and developed with the specific purpose of supporting developers with a framework that minimizes their development and maintenance cost of an aggregative data infrastructure. D-NET supports a service-oriented infrastructure (SOI) system where customizability, openness, sharing, reuse and orchestration of the given services enable sustainable patterns of ADLS realization and maintenance. Organizations can download and install the selection of D-NET service components required to construct their intended data infrastructure. D-Net has been adopted by national aggregators (Recolecta, Spain:; CeON, Poland: and thematic infrastructures (Film archives: EFG,; Cultural Heritage: HOPE, Europeana; Epigraphy studies: EAGLE; Scholarly Communication: OpenAIRE

  • NdLib
    Link:  Lab: KDD

    A Python software package that allows to describe, simulate, and study diffusion processes on complex networks.

  • TARE – Trigger-Action Rule Editor
    Link:  Lab: HIIS

    TARE is an environment for the creation of personalization rules in environments that exploit Internet of Things technologies by people who are not experts in programming; several hundred rules have already been created with this tool.

  • MAUVE++ - Multiguideline Accessibility and Usability Validation Enviroment
    Link: Lab: HIIS

    MAUVE++ (Multiguideline Accessibility and Usability Validation Environment) is a system to evaluate accessibility of websites by checking their HTML and CSS code through guidelines. It provides validation results for different types of stakeholders, and supports validation of W3C WCAG 2.1 guidelines.

  • CTTE - ConcurTaskTrees Environment
    Link: Lab: HIIS

    The ConcurTaskTrees Environment (CTTE) is an environment for editing and analysis of task models useful to support understanding and design of interactive applications by focusing on the human activities to support.

Thematic Area: Visual
  • MeshLab
    Link:  Lab: VC

    MeshLab is the most known software result of the Visual Computing Lab, which has a long tradition in developing, maintaining and distributing open source products for geometry processing and 3D visualization. Starting from 1995 the VCLab successfully distributed many open source tools for performing advanced mesh processing tasks, from computing Delaunay Triangulations (1995) to comparing surface representation (Metro 1997), to helping the processing of 3D scanned data. MeshLab is an open source mesh processing application, designed for multi-platform desktops and including a quite wide spectrum of algorithms for mesh reconstruction, optimization and editing. MeshLab is the most successful among VClab and ISTI tools: on stage since 2006, it counts a few million downloads, it has a stable user base of hundreds of thousands of users, and almost 10K scientific papers report the MeshLab term.

  • VCGlib
    Link: Lab: VC

    The VCGlib is a complex, stable, industrial level library for performing a wide variety of advanced mesh processing tasks in a very efficient way. The VCGLib and many portions of it have been commercially licensed to various companies for use in closed source products.

  • 3DHop
    Link: Lab: VC

    The development of innovative efficient visualization techniques has been one of the research lines of the Visual Computing lab. Many of these results ended in interactive visualization tools and libraries. Currently one of the most important tools is 3DHOP, a customizable web based viewer for 3D assets that has been adopted by many institutions and online museums for interactively presenting 3D models. Distributed as an open source resource, it includes manuals and how-to resources.

  • Nexus
    Link:  Lab: VC

    Nexus is a multiresolution rendering and compression library to support interactive streaming and visualization of huge 3D models.

  • MI-File: Metric Inverted File (NeMIS, 2008)
    Link: Lab: AIMH

    MI-File (Metric Inverted File) supports approximate similarity search on huge datasets. As an example give a look at the Image Similarity Search Engine (, which allows you searching in a dataset of more than 100 millions images, that was built using the MI-File library. The technique is based on the use of a space transformation where data objects are represented by ordered sequences of reference objects. The sequence of reference objects that represent a data object is ordered according to the distance of the reference objects from the data object being represented. Distance between two data objects is measured by computing the Spearmann footrule distance between the two sequence of reference objects that represent them. The closer the two data objects, the most similar the two sequences of reference objects. The index is based on the use of inverted files.

  • ChromStruct
    Link: Lab: SI

    This Python (v.2.7.10) code provides an estimate of the 3D structure of the chromatin fibre in cell nuclei from the contact frequency data produced by a ’Chromosome conformation capture’ experiment. The only input required is a text file containing a general real matrix of contact frequencies. The code features a GUI where all the tunable parameters are made available to the user. The fibre is divided in independent segments whose structures are first estimated separately and then modelled as single elements of a lower-resolution fibre, which is treated iteratively in the same way until it cannot be divided anymore into independent segments. The full-resolution chain is then reconstructed by another iterative procedure.

Thematic Area: Flight and Structural Mechanics
    Link:  Lab: MMS

    NOSA-ITACA is a free finite element software for the numerical modelling of the structural behaviour of masonry buildings of historical and architectural interest. NOSA-ITACA enables static analysis of structures made of linear elastic and masonry materials. It adopts the constitutive equation of masonry-like materials and models masonry as a nonlinear elastic material with zero or weak tensile strength and infinite or bounded compressive strength. The code provides for mechanical analysis of masonry-like solids in the presence of thermal loads, also in the case that the materials' properties depend on temperature. Recently, numerical methods for constrained generalized eigenvalue problems have been implemented in NOSA-ITACA, to address the modal analysis of linear elastic structures.

    The code is at the disposal of private and public bodies operating in the field of the conservation and safeguarding of the cultural heritage. The development of NOSA-ITACA is a work in progress, according to the research lines of the laboratory. The latest (not released) version of the code includes algorithms for nonlinear dynamics, linear perturbation and model updating.