More information on internal seminars can be required to Daniela Falconetti

Seminar - 2024-11-27 h.11:00

Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Quinta parte

Giulio Del Corso - "Generating a physically accurate cardiac MRI: a story of (interesting) failures and (justifiable) numerical shortcuts"Abstract: "The generation of physically accurate cardiac-MRI ...

Seminar - 2024-11-20 h.11:00

Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Quarta parte

Luca Ciampi - "Mind the Prompt: A Novel Benchmark for Prompt-based Class-Agnostic Counting"Abstract: "Object counting estimates the number of objects in images or video frames. Studies reveal that the...

Seminar - 2024-10-16 h.11:00

Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Terza parte

Gabriele Lagani - "Hebbian learning algorithms for deep neural networks: explorations and outlooks"Abstract: Deep learning systems have achieved outstanding results in various AI tasks. However, such...

Seminar - 2024-10-09 h.11:00

Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Seconda parte

Saira Bano - "From Complexity to Clarity: Enhancing Cross-Modal Knowledge Distillation via Multimodal Teacher Ensembles"Abstract: Traditional knowledge distillation (KD) typically uses a large, comp...

Seminar - 2024-10-08 h.16:00

Patient Interaction – for well-being, productivity and sustainability

We live in aworld of instant results and fleeting gratification. In HCI no less: the designprinciples for direct manipulation require immediate feedback and, in the caseof graphical actions, sub-secon...

Seminar - 2024-10-02 h.11:00

Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Prima parte

Ali Reza Omrani - "Machine Learning to Measure Vocal Stereotypy: An Extension"Abstract: Repeated measurement of behavior is a process central to behavior analysis, but its implementation occasionally...

Seminar - 2024-09-26 h.11:00

A general framework for distributed approximate similarity search with arbitrary distances

While many similarity search algorithms are specifically adapted to metric distances,they are unsuitable for alternatives like the cosine distance, which has gained popularity, particularly with embed...

Seminar - 2024-09-17 h.11:00

Model-Driven Engineering Meets Model-Based Testing

In this talk, I will focus on a connection between stable-failures refinement and the ioco conformance relation. Both behavioural relations underlie methodologies that have gained traction in industry...

Seminar - 2024-09-13 h.11:00

Explainability in deep learning models applied to spatio-temporal problems

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming society, affecting everything from industry to decision making, and concerns about its transparency have increased. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XA...

Seminar - 2024-05-27 h.11:00

Making 5G Networks Reliable for Next-generation Applications using AI

The emergence of 5G technology marks a significant milestone in developing telecommunication networks, enabling exciting new applications such as augmented reality and self-driving vehicles. However, ...

Older Seminars
Modello di Trasporto Atmosferico dello Xenon radioattivo: studio dellfimpatto ambientale delle Centrali Nucleari e analisi degli eventi critici per la Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
2015-05-27 h.13:00

Seminario del Prof. Wolfango Plastino del Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica dell'Università...

Research on Web Services at Zayed University – Past, Present, and Future - Speaker: Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, Dubai.
2013-10-16 h.17:00

This talk presents our research on Web services for the last ten years. Different projects have...

Biblioteche digitali, Web e Linked Data - Relatore: Carlo Meghini (ISTI-CNR)
2013-10-09 h.16:15

Seminario di Cultura Digitale - Il seminario sarà focalizzato sulle biblioteche digitali,...

Error resilient OBBDs
2013-02-04 h.11:00

Speaker: Lorenzo Lago, Università degli Studi di Milano Le attuali memorie, soprattutto quelle più...

Emergent Coordination in Pervasive Service Ecosystems
2013-01-16 h.16:30

Speaker:Mirko Viroli, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna Several today and emergent applications of...

Elettroacustica e processi digitali del segnale audio
2013-01-08 h.17:00

I sistemi di sonorizzazione dei grandi spazi traggono vantaggio dalle possibilità offerte dai...

Testing Probabilistic Wireless Networks
2012-12-19 h.17:00

Organized by the RU: SySMA - Dynamical Systems, Control, and Optimization Relatore: Andrea Cerone,...

Tra il continuo e il discreto: optimal location
2012-12-18 h.16:00

Relatore: Eugene Stepanov, St. Petersburg State University Studieremo vari modelli per allocare un...

Seminario di Cultura Digitale - La felicità è una scelta facile. L'architettura dell'informazione come antidoto all'information overload
2012-11-28 h.15:15

Relatore: Luca Rosati ( In un mercato dominato dal modello della coda...

Reconciling Self-adaptation with Self-organization
2012-10-04 h.18:00

Two complementary software engineering approaches currently exist to make complex software systems...