Seminari YRA 2015, prima parte

Giorno - Ora: 30 November -0001, h.00:00
Luogo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa - Stanza: C-29

Matteo Dellepiane


Primo appuntamento con i seminari dei vincitori del premio Young Researcher Award 2015, che presenteranno i loro attuali e futuri argomenti di ricerca. I tre seminari saranno tenuti da:

Luigi Malomo - Elastic textures for additive fabrication: One of the greatest limitations of 3D printing is that the objects we print are made of a single material, usually cold hard plastic. In this talk we will show how, using a single material 3D printer, it is possibile to fabricate structures with custom elasticity and how to exploit this feature to design objects with a prescribed mechanical behavior.

Filippo Palumbo - Ambient Assisted Living: The general goal of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solutions is to apply ambient intelligence technologies to enable people with specific demands, e.g. with disabilities or elderly, to live longer in their preferred environment. The seminar will show the key results achieved in the last year as researcher at ISTI-CNR. In particular, the progresses made in the two major research problems that still prevent the spreading of AAL solutions in real environments: (i) the need of a common medium to transmit the sensory data and the information produced by algorithms and (ii) the unobtrusiveness of context-aware applications in terms of both placement of devices and period of observations.

Luca Pappalardo - The harsh rule of the goals: data-driven performance indicators for football teams: Sports analytics in general, and football (soccer in USA) analytics in particular, have evolved in recent years in an amazing way, thanks to automated or semi-automated sensing technologies that provide high-fidelity data streams extracted from every game. In this seminar we propose a data-driven approach and show that there is a large potential to boost the understanding of football team performance. From observational data of football games we extracted a set of pass-based performance indicators and summarized them in the H indicator. We observed a strong correlation among the proposed indicator and the success of a team, and therefore performed a simulation on the four major European championships. We found that the final rankings in the simulated championships are very close to the actual rankings in the real championships, and show that teams with high ranking error show extreme values of a defense/attack efficiency measure, the Pezzali score. Our results are surprising given the simplicity of the proposed indicators, suggesting that a complex systems" view on football data has the potential of revealing hidden patterns and behavior of superior quality.