Product Line Engineering Applied to CBTC Systems Development

Giorno - Ora: 07 November 2012, h.10:30
Luogo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa - Stanza: C-40

Giorgio Oronzo Spagnolo

Communications-based Train Control (CBTC) systems arethe new frontier of automated train control and operation. Currentlydeveloped CBTC platforms are actually very complex systems includingseveral functionalities. Furthermore, every installed system, developed by adifferent company, varies in extent, scope and number of them. International standards have emerged, but they remain at a quite abstract level, mostly setting terminology. The paper that will be presented into seminar reports intermediate results in an effort aimed at defining a global model of CBTC, by mixing semi-formal modelling and product line engineering. The effort hasbeen based on an in-depth market analysis, not limiting to particularaspects but considering as far as possible the whole picture.The adopted methodology is discussed.