BAT-Framework: a framework to compare text-annotators

Giorno - Ora: 01 February 2013, h.11:00
Luogo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa - Stanza: C-29
  • Marco Cornolti (Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa)

Fabrizio Sebastiani


We have implemented a benchmarking framework for fair and exhaustive comparison of entity-annotation systems. The framework is based upon the definition of a set of problems related to the entity-annotation task (which formalize the primary issues arising in this task), a set of measures to evaluate systems performance, and the inclusion of all publicly available datasets, containing texts of various types: news, tweets and Web pages. Our framework is easily-extensible with novel entity annotators, datasets and evaluation measures for comparing systems, and it will be released to the public. The intent of this framework is to set the ground for further developments in this challenging task, being a basis on which new annotators can be developed.