ASSERT Enabled Marketplace

Giorno - Ora: 15 May 2013, h.11:00
Luogo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa - Stanza: C-29
  • Midhat Ali (University of Camerino)

Andrea Polini


Platform providers establish marketplace ecosystems to sell to end users services and applications running on the platform. Very prominent examples of these marketplaces are the Google Play Store and Apple AppStore, among others. Application Developers can use these marketplaces to offer services and applications to end users.
Advanced Security Service cERTificate (ASSERT) for SOA (ASSERT4SOA) is a Framework designed to associate certificates of Security properties with the applications and services. This framework offers services like verification of ASSERTs and matching those ASSERTs to Security Properties specified in an appropriate query language. ASSERT Enabled Marketplace is a prototype to qualitatively evaluate and illustrate the use of ASSERT4SOA Framework in a marketplace which sells business applications, which have certificates issued for certain security properties. This marketplace is designed based on a typical user story of buying business applications based on the organizationâ??s security requirements, comparing and choosing the best option based on the requirements.