Networked Multimedia Information System (NeMIS)
Head: Donatella Castelli
Web Site:
The main objective of the "Networked Multimedia Information Systems" (NeMIS) laboratory is the research and development of technologies for the management, distribution, and fruition of multimedia information, i.e., information represented not only in textual form but also in other forms, like images, audio/video, scientific data, etc. Designing and developing networked multimedia information systems involves a multitude of aspects including: acquisition, access, presentation, and communication, and presents and will continue to present great challenges to computer scientists and engineers. Given the tremendous growth in the use of multimedia applications, the design of efficient and cost-effective networked multimedia information systems will be of central importance to the development and deployment of a multitude of new applications.
Designing and developing networked multimedia information systems requires cross-synergies and expertise over the wide spectrum of challenges in the area of information management and processing. On this respect, NeMIS research interests focus on the definition of algorithms, techniques, models and methods addressing aspects such as acquisition, integration, storage, analysis, indexing, provision, and presentation of digital information (e.g., text documents, videos, images, scientific data) across different scientific and industrial application domains. The NeMIS Lab is organized in five Research Groups:
The Digital Libraries group (lead by Carlo Meghini) works on modeling and engineering aspects of digital libraries management system, and collaborates with the Europeana for the construction and the maintenance of the European Digital Library
The InfraScience group (lead by Donatella Castelli) aims at Enabling Scientific Data Infrastructures. Its activities are characterized by a strong research and development flavor, involving real scientific communities and achieving technology transfer. Its main interests are on the following main challenges: Digital Library foundations, Digital Library Management Systems, Data Management and Data Curation Services for Science, Scientific Data Infrastructure foundations and middleware (Operation and Enabling Services).
The Multimedia Information Retrieval (MIR) group (lead by Giuseppe Amato) works on extraction and retrieval of semantic information from multimedia data sources, with particular emphasis on techniques for big data.
The Text Analysis Group (TAG) group (lead by Fabrizio Sebastiani) focuses on the research area is situated at the crossroad of three main disciplines: Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing
The Semantic Web group (lead by Umberto Straccia) focuses on ontology-based information integration, access, retrieval and machine learning, as well as on extensions of Semantic Web Languages, with features allowing them to deal with the inherent uncertainty in representing and reasoning with Semantic Web data.
L'algoritmo "marino" modificato per dare la caccia al coronavirus
2020-05-04 h.15:38
Alessio Jacona, esperto di innovazione e curatore dell’Osservatorio Intelligenza Artificiale, ha intervistato Gianpaolo Coro che ha creato e sta sperimentando il “modello globale ...
OpenAIRE COVID-19 Scientific Gateway: one stop stop shop for sharing and discovering articles, datasets, and other products
OpenAIRE (the infrastructure of the European Commission for Open Access whose technical coordinator is ISTI) is creating a "Scientific Gateway" where all metadata about the research pro...
OpenAIRE mette a disposizione un punto unico di accesso per condividere e trovare articoli, dataset e altri risultati della ricerca legata al COVID-19: COVID-19 Scientific Gateway
OpenAIRE (l’infrastruttura della Commissione Europea per l’Open Access di cui ISTI è coordinatore tecnologico) sta realizzando un “Scientific Gateway” dove raccoglierà in modo automatico ...
Workshop on "Open Science Publishing Practices and Prospects"
2019-01-31 h.14:00
Il giorno 31 Gennaio 2019, dalle 14:00 alle 16:00, si terrà nell’Area del CNR un workshop sui temi dell’Open Science. Il tema è delicato, ormai parte di ogni programma di finanziamento...
Isti-Cnr selected by the European Commission as reference for the European Open Science Cloud
On the 23th of November 2018, the Austrian Presidency and the European Commission have celebrated the official launch of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and have invited stakehol...
Finalists 2018 of the ASC/MRS Award for Best Technology Innovation
The "Interactive Learning for Automated Text Coding" system, designed and developed by Andrea Esuli, Alejandro Moreo and Fabrizio Sebastiani has been selected as one of the three fi...
What can be said, can be said clearly? The role of ontologies in the Digital Humanities by Carlo Meghini (Susan Hockey Lecture 2018)
2018-05-30 h.18:00
In this, the fourth lecture in the annual Susan Hockey Lecture series, Carlo Meghini will discuss the role of ontologies in the Digital Humanities. The aim of this annual public lectu...
GreyForum Series 7.1 - Open Data for Research and Enhanced Publication
2018-05-25 h.10:30
The GreyForum is a series of onsite and online courses, seminars, and workshops where grey literature provides common ground for information professionals in the process of knowledge tran...
Status and rebuilding of European fisheries
Since 2014, the European Union has reformed its fisheries policies with the aim to end overfishing. The EU is committed to make all the commercial stocks fished at the maximum sustainab...
Carlo Meghini has been invited to give the 2018 Susan Hockey Lecture in Digital Humanities
This is a prestigious event held once a year, details of past years are here:
Il calamaro gigante esiste, ecco dove
I primi avvistamenti leggendari del calamaro gigante risalgono ad Aristotele, nel 500 a.c., quelli storici vanno dal 1639 nei mari della Norvegia, al 2015 in Giappone. Oggi, grazie al...
Digital Humanities Awards 2016
The EU funded EAGLE Project ( - whose data aggregation and image processing infrastructure was implemented by the NeMIS Lab of ISTI-CNR - won the Digital Humanities A...
Best Paper Award - SISAP 2016
The paper "Supermetric Search with the Four-Point Property" by Richard Connor, Franco Alberto Cardillo, Lucia Vadicamo and Fausto Rabitti has been selected as the Best Paper of the 9th...
Featured ACM Member: Fabrizio Sebastiani
Fabrizio Sebastiani is a Principal Scientist at Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar Foundation, and a Senior Research Scientist at the Institute for the Science and Technologies ...
Best Italian Paper Award at ISCC 2016
During the twenty first IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (Messina), the paper "Car Parking Occupancy Detection Using Smart Camera Networks and Deep Learning", by Giuseppe Am...
A Tesla K40 GPU donated by NVIDIA
The NVIDIA Corporation supports the research on deep learning conducted by the Networked Multimedia Information Systems laboratory of ISTI-CNR. On June 2016, the NVIDIA’s Academic Prog...
Two ISTI-CNR Projects Win at the DH Awards 2015
Two projects of ISTI have won at the international initiative DIGITAL HUMANITIES AWARDS 2015. DanteSources ( has won in the "Best DH Tool or Suite of Tools" cat...
Smart Area di Pisa
Al Cnr di Pisa si lavora alacremente per rendere “smart” tutta l’Area della ricerca, la più grande d’Italia. Il 30 novembre 2015 sono state presentate le...
Three nominations for CNR-ISTI at the 2015 DIGITAL HUMANITIES AWARDS
The nominations for the 2015 DIGITAL HUMANITIES AWARD have been disclosed on Febr. 15th at: CNR-ISTI features 3 selected titles: Category "Best...
A 4,37m€ European investment towards next generation Virtual Research Environments for 70.000 researchers
“A Europe-wide interoperable Virtual Research Environment to Empower multidisciplinary research communities and accelerate Innovation and Collaboration” (VRE4EIC) is a 3-year Horizon 2...
Stefania Biagioni is a recipient of GreyNet Award Recipients 2015
The GreyNet Award 2015 will be presented to Stefania Biagioni at the next Annual Award Dinner that will be held in Amsterdam on November 30th 2015.
CMSY - Un modello matematico ISTI per aiutare la sostenibilità della pesca in Europa
Gianpaolo Coro del gruppo InfraScience del laboratorio NeMIS ha realizzato un modello matematico-statistico per valutare la sostenibilità della pesca Organizzazioni internazionali (ICE...
Con la nuova app "Tirreno social" il giornale diventa mobile
"Tirreno Social", è stato sviluppato dall'Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell' Informazione (ISTI-CNR) e dall'Istituto di informatica e telematica del Cnr (IIT-Cnr), in collab...
Best Special Session Paper Award at the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Application (ISDA 2011)
The prize has been awarded to F. Bobillo and U. Straccia for their paper "Fuzzy Ontologies and Fuzzy Integrals".
Fabrizio Silvestri is the recipient of the Yahoo! Faculty Research and Engagement Program 2011 in the "Computational Advertising, Machine Learning and Search & Web Mining" area.
Yahoo!’s Faculty Research and Engagement Program is designed to produce the highest quality scientific collaborations and outcomes by engaging with faculty members working in areas of ...
Andrea Esuli (ISTI-CNR) Winner of the 2010 ERCIM Cor Baayen Award
Andrea Esuli from ISTI-CNR has been chosen by ERCIM as the winner of the 2010 Cor Baayen Award for a promising young researcher in computer scienceand applied mathematics. Andrea is t...