• Link: Visit Website
  • Day - Time: 2026-03-26 09:30
  • Place: Aula Affreschi, via Zamboni 34, Bologna
  • Isti role: Co-organizer
  • Units: InfraScience

The ATLAS Team is pleased to invite you to the Workshop "Accessing Digital Humanities Research on the Cultural Heritage" to be held in Bologna on March 26, 2025.


Participation is free, but we kindly ask you to register via the form at the link above.

The workshop is organized by the University of Bologna, the CNR (ISTI and ILC), and the Ca' Foscari University of Venice as part of the PRIN22 project "The ATLAS of Italian Digital Humanities: a dynamic knowledge graph of digital scholarly research on Italian Cultural Heritage."

The first part of the workshop is dedicated to discussions with national and international guests on the management, dissemination, and access to Digital Humanities research data, with particular attention to the peculiarities of research products, models, methods, and existing and/or desirable services.

In the second part of the day, the work carried out by the ATLAS research group will be presented, which has created a prototype Linked Open Data native environment (based on CLEF) for the creation of a catalog of projects and research products in DH. The project's activities focused on defining best practices for the metadata of research products and projects, resulting in the creation of a white book, and on developing knowledge extraction functionalities from research data to support the semi-automatic creation of a richer catalog compared to existing cataloging solutions. A hands-on session will follow to jointly evaluate the benefits of the developed application, the existing catalog, and propose new projects and tools for description.