Abstract Registration: May 4, 2015 Submission Deadline: May 11, 2015 Notification: June 15, 2015 Final Version: July 5, 2015
2015-10-06The Cloud Forward 2015 Conference brings together experts from industry and academia to consider the future of and beyond Cloud Computing. Based on the HOLA Cloud project and platform – which documents European research, development and innovation ...
2015-09-29The main objectives are to assess the state of the art of the technology in the Infrared bands and to present its most interesting applications.
2015-09-23CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline April 17, 2015 CALL FOR SPECIAL SESSIONS - Deadline February 20, 2015
2015-09-07Abstract submission : 15 May 2015 Paper submission: 22 May 2015
2015-08-25DEADLINES April 24, 2015 : Due date for paper submission June 05, 2015: Notification of paper acceptance to authors June 20, 2015: Camera-ready deadline for accepted papers All papers for DyNo must be submitted by using the on-line submission...
2015-06-23IMPORTANT DATES Abstract submission March 18, 2015 Paper submission March 25, 2015 Notification of acceptance May 8, 2015 Camera ready versions May 31, 2015 Workshop WWV 2015 June 23, 201...
2015-05-28Convegno degli utenti italiani del software Mathematica
2015-03-21Important Dates: Submission Deadline: 30 November 2014 Note of Acceptance: 15 January 2015 Early registration Ends: 15 February 2015 Final Camera-ready: 28 February 2015
2015-02-27Per motivi logistici, consigliamo a chi intende partecipare di comunicare la sua intenzione all’indirizzo e-mail: seminari@ilc.cnr.it