Possible uses of Bluetooth Low Energy in AmI applications (YRA seminar)
- Giorno - Ora: 18 December 2015, h.17:30
- Luogo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa - Stanza: C-29
Ambient Intelligence is the vision of a future in which environments support the people inhabiting them. In order to realise it, environments should pervasively but unobrusively equipped with sensors offering data to intelligent systems providing useful services like localization and navigation, environmental personalization, health and well-being monitoring.Each of these services is built upon different technologies and uses different signal types, usually based on specialized and non-interoperable hardware. The presence of Bluethooth as a common wireless technology standard for exchanging data could be a possible solution. However, in the past years, practical issues mostly related to its lengthy scan procedure and power related issues, have limited the use of Bluetooth in such applications. The recent introduction of the Bluetooth 4.0 speci�cation has potentially addressed these problems by means of the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE, also known as BluetoothSmart) subsystem. BLE devices are small, inexpensive and designed to run on batteries for many months. It is expected that many buildings will contain a high density of BLE devices in the near future. In this talk we describe the basics and the new features of BLE, some application scenarios, and a possible solution for the indoor localization issue.