An approach to Content-Based Image Retrieval based on the Lucene search engine library

Giorno - Ora: 06 July 2010, h.11:00
Luogo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa - Stanza: C-29

Claudio Gennaro


Content-based image retrieval is becoming a popular way for searching the web as the amount of available multimedia data increases. However, the cost of developing from scratch a robust and reliable system with content-based image retrieval facilities is quite prohibitive.

In the talk I will present an extremely simple algorithm that converts low level image features (such as colors and textures) into a textual form, which allows us to use Lucene's off-the-shelf indexing and searching abilities with a little implementation effort. In this way, we are able to set up a robust information retrieval system that combines full-text search with content-based image retrieval capabilities. This idea will be demonstrated by an image content-based retrieval over a dataset of 106 million images indexed by five MPEG-7 descriptors from Cophir.