Exploring Social Media for Classifying Attendance for Events (ISTI Grants for Young Mobility seminar series)

Giorno - Ora: 16 November 2016, h.10:30
Luogo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa - Stanza: C-29

Andrea Esuli


The huge volume of user-generated data in social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, can be exploited to extract valuable information concerning human dynamics and behaviors. Social media plays a crucial role for understanding of the modern life, including transport and human mobility. Large events like musical festivals, religions celebrations and conferences can attract thousands of persons to a specific location (the place where the event is held) at a specific period of time (the time during which the events is held, can be one or more days) thus raising mobility issues. Given this context, we propose a new investigation line where the main objective is to infer the user's attendance to the event through the analyses of their posts on Twitter. The motivation for our research is the support for smart services that can be provided to the attendants of the event such as: (1) transportation planning like the bus allocation (2) recommendation of carpooling or taxisharing services for attendants (3) ubiquitous services for recommendation of third-party services like uber or taxi services.