Model-based Engineering of Distributed Systems with SPACE and Arctis

Giorno - Ora: 25 October 2011, h.11:00
Luogo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa - Stanza: C-40
  • Peter Herrmann (Department of Telematics (ITEM) - Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU))

Maurice Henri ter Beek


Model-based software engineering techniques are suited for the rapid and cheap service development. Our approach SPACE and its tool set Arctis use collaborative models each describing a possibly distributed sub-service instead of a single physical component. An advantage of this proceeding is its high potential for reuse since many distributed systems in a certain domain are realized by a limited number of sub-services which, however, are composed in quite different ways. Such, we could achieve a reuse rate of about 70% in average for our developments.

As a modeling technique, we use UML2 collaborations and activities enabling service specifications in an intelligible graphical notation. Our modeling tool Arctis transforms the collaborative models into Java code running among others on J2EE, Sun SPOTS and Google Android telephones. We can further apply model checking to analyze the models for design errors. This verification is carried out in a way that the user does not need any knowledge about the formalism as the errors are directly visualized on the graphical descriptions.

My presentation will introduce SPACE and Arctis and discuss model transformation and model checker-based analysis.