Automated quality assessment of volunteered geographic information: engaging citizens in the next generation Digital Earth. Case study on forest fire.

Giorno - Ora: 17 February 2012, h.10:00
Luogo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa - Stanza: C-29
  • Laura Spinsanti (Joint Research Centre, Ispra)

Chiara Renso


This seminar present a conceptual workflow for assessing the quality of geographic user-generated content (GUGC) or volunteered geographic information (VGI) in the context of crisis events like forest fires. We briefly recapitulate the main challenges in using VGI in the context of crisis management and our proposed approach to tackle them, and we present the proof-of-concept prototype CONAVI (CONtextual Analysis of Volunteered Information) that implements the core functionality: retrieval, geo-coding, content analysis, geographic context analysis, and spatio-temporal clustering of VGI from two sources, the micro-blogging service Twitter and the online photo-sharing service Flickr in the South Europe context.