Stochastic modelling of Signalling Pathways

Giorno - Ora: 11 February 2013, h.15:00
Luogo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa - Stanza: C-29

Ercan Engin Kuruoglu


Signalling pathways are a set of inerconnected biochemical reactions that, in living organisms, are dedicated to the transduction of signals coming from the environment. They represent fundamental structures for all living entities, ranging from prokaryotes to eukaryotic cells. Due to their pivotal role, in the last decades signalling pathways have been intensively studied. Particular attention has been devoted to eukaryotic pathways because of their role in cancer etiology and pathogenesis. In this context computational modelling is becoming increasingly important. Indeed "in silico" models can provide usefull insights on the dynamics of signalling pathways complementing and organising the information obtained "in vitro".

Recently there has been significant interest in stochastic models of biochemical systems, mainly because of experimental evidences that stochasticity at the molecular level plays an important role in determining the overall behaviour of living organisms. In this talk we will report on the methods and algorithms that we are using or we are going to use for developing stochastic models of signalling pathways. In particular we will describe some of the obtained results as well as problems and possible solutions emerging in our challenging research topic.