Europe's new data protection framework and what it means to IT engineering

Giorno - Ora: 22 May 2013, h.10:00
Luogo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa - Stanza: C-29
  • Simon Davies (LSE Enterprise, a wholly owned subsidiary of The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK)

Diego Latella


Europe - along with much of the developing world - is ready to implement a new and robust regime of data protection. The IT industry is carefully considering the challenges and the opportunities that these new legal regulations may create. Data protection provides a pillar of trust necessary to nurture emerging services and products. Even so, concern has been expressed that the new rules could hinder innovation and create barriers to design and engineering. Some companies believe the regulatory bar has now been set too high and that data protection will create substantial problems. In this talk veteran privacy expert Simon Davies discusses whether the proposed rules have struck the right formula.

Simon Davies is the Founder of Privacy International and Associate Director of LSE Enterprise. He has been a Visiting Fellow in Law at both the University of Greenwich and the University of Essex, and spent 13 years at LSE, where he taught the groundbreaking MSc Masters course in "Privacy & Data Protection". He is also co-director of LSEâ??s Policy Engagement Network. Simon Davies is widely acknowledged as one of the most influential data protection and internet rights experts in the world and is a pioneer of the international privacy arena. His work in consumer rights and technology policy has spanned over 25 years and has directly influenced the development of law and public policy in more than 40 countries. He has advised a wide range of corporate, government and professional bodies, including the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Recently, Simon Davies has been tasked by cross-party rapporteurs of the European Parliament to conduct a wide-ranging external assessment of the European Commission's proposed reforms to the EU data protection framework. He brings a unique interface with global stakeholders, from major international corporations to government and civil society.

Nota: Martedi 21 maggio, cioè il giorno prima del seminario, alle ore 15, in Aula Faedo, verrà proiettata la registrazione di una puntata del programma Cyborg City della CNN che comprende, tra l'altro, un'intervista a Simon Davies.