Requirements Engineering for Cloud Applications

Giorno - Ora: 25 June 2014, h.11:00
Luogo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa - Stanza: C-40
  • Ana Sofia Zalazar (Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Argentina)

Alessio Ferrari


Cloud computing is a new business paradigm managed through Internet, where different providers offer their services using scalable virtualization. Services selection depends of the service level agreement, which is a type of contract signed between providers and consumers, and it identifies functional and quality parameters of services. Because of the stochastic and dynamic nature of cloud contexts, there is not a simple procedure for requirement specification in software as a service model (SaaS). Analysts and designers must consider new dimensions (as legal and financial aspects) in cloud contexts. The thesis objective is to find requirement engineering artefacts and tools to represent each dimension of cloud services. The short stay objective is to study the requirements models for desktop applications have to be transformed and enriched when the applications are moved to the cloud considering different dimensions of cloud services.