Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD)
Head: Mirco Nanni
Web Site:
The Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory (KDD Lab) is a joint research initiative of ISTI Institute of CNR and the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa.
The objective of the research unit is the development of theory, techniques and systems for extracting and delivering useful knowledge out of large masses of data.
Today, knowledge discovery and data mining is both a technology that blends data analysis methods with sophisticated algorithms for processing large data sets, and an active research field that aims at developing new data analysis methods for novel forms of data. On one side, classification, clustering and pattern discovery tools are now part of mature data analysis and Business Intelligence systems and have been successfully applied to problems in various commercial and scientific domains. On the other side, the increasing heterogeneity and complexity of the new forms of data – such as those arriving from medicine, biology, the Web, the Earth observation systems, the mobility data arriving from wireless networks – call for new forms of patterns and models, together with new algorithms to discover such patterns and models efficiently.
In this context, the mission of the KDD laboratory is to pursue fundamental research, strategic applications and higher education.
- Barsanti Ilaria Research Staff
- Beretta Andrea Research Staff
- Citraro Salvatore Research Staff
- Fadda Daniele Research Staff
- Grossi Valerio Research Staff
- Metta Carlo Research Staff
- Nanni Mirco Research Staff
- Natilli Michela Research Staff
- Pansanella Valentina Research Staff
- Pappalardo Luca Research Staff
- Pratesi Francesca Research Staff
- Rinzivillo Salvatore Research Staff
- Romano Vittorio Enrico Carlo Research Staff
- Rossetti Giulio Research Staff
- Trasarti Roberto Research Staff
- Abramski Katherine Elizabeth Research Associate
- Aliyev Gurban Research Associate
- Braghieri Marco Research Associate
- Cau Erica Research Associate
- Corbucci Luca Research Associate
- Cornacchia Giuliano Graduate Fellow
- Failla Andrea Research Associate
- Fedele Andrea Research Associate
- Fontana Michele Graduate Fellow
- Gambetta Daniele Research Associate
- Giovannoni Claudio Research Associate
- Guidotti Riccardo Research Associate
- Haim Edith Research Associate
- Landi Cristiano Research Associate
- Lari Filippo Visiting Fellow
- Lelli Sara Graduate Fellow
- Maslennikova Aleksandra Research Associate
- Mauro Giovanni Research Associate
- Mazzoni Federico Research Associate
- Mekam Pouatcha Mathurin Aime Graduate Fellow
- Mesina Veronica Research Associate
- Milli Letizia Research Associate
- Monreale Anna Research Associate
- Rotundo Mariagiovanna Visiting Fellow
- Ruggieri Salvatore Research Associate
- Savella Roberta Graduate Fellow
- Zuziak Maciej Krzysztof Graduate Fellow
CN_CNMS_Spoke3_KDD - CUP B43C22000440001
CN - Sustainable Mobility Center (Centro Nazionale per la Mobilità Sostenibile – CNMS) - Spoke 3
Critical Action Planning over Extreme-Scale Data
Energy-efficient AI-ready Data Spaces
HumanE AI Network
Enhanced migration measures from a multidimensional perspective
Legality Attentive Data Scientists
PE01_FAIR_Spoke1_KDD -B53C22003630006
PE01 - Future Artificial Intelligence Research – Spoke 1
Social Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Social Explainable Artificial Intelligence
SoBigData RI PPP
SoBigData RI Preparatory Phase Project
SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics’ — ‘SoBigData-PlusPlus’
SoBigData++ IIT-CI
SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics’ — ‘SoBigData-PlusPlus’
SoBigData++ IIT-UI
SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics’ — ‘SoBigData-PlusPlus’ - CUP B53C22001760006 Strengthening the Italian RI for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics
Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization
It takes two to tango: a synergistic approach to human-machine decision making
Urban Artificial Intelligence
Science and technology for the explanation of AI decision making
IAIL 2025 - Imagining the AI Landscape after the AI ACT Workshop
2025-06-09 h.07:00
The regulation of Artificial Intelligence is at an important stage, with the European Union taking the lead through key legislative frameworks such as the AI Act (AIA) and the Digital Ser...
Best Paper Award at ASONAM 2024
2024-11-06 h.14:13
The paper "Beyond Boundaries: Capturing Social Segregation on Hypernetworks" by Francesco Cauteruccio (University of Salerno), Andrea Failla and Giulio Rossetti (Cnr-Isti), has been confe...
Best Talk Award at CCS2024
2024-09-10 h.10:29
The work "Modeling Gentrification as a Relocation Flow-Based, Spatio-Temporal Process" by Giovanni Mauro, Nicola Pedreschi, Luca Pappalardo, and Renaud Lambiotte was awarded the Best Ta...
Scienza e Gioco: la serata ludica del progetto LeADS al Circolo Arci Operaio di Fornacette (PI)
2024-07-23 h.10:14
Una serata all'insegna della scienza e del divertimento: lo scorso 9 Luglio, al Circolo Arci Operaio di Fornacette (PI) - dove i soci hanno avuto l'opportunità di immergersi in un'esperie...
IAIL 2024 - Imagining the AI Landscape after the AI ACT Workshop
2024-03-19 h.12:53
The AI Act (AIA) is a landmark EU legislation to regulate Artificial Intelligence based on its capacity to cause harm. Like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the AIA is ...
1st International Workshop on Impact of Algorithms and Services on the Urban Ecosystem (MAURO)
2024-03-19 h.11:23
The 1st International Workshop on Impact of Algorithms and Services on the Urban Ecosystem (MAURO 2024) workshop aims to delve into the impact of AI and algorithms on urban ecosystems, fo...
Francesco Spinnato vince il premio Premio SOCINT – G-Research in Informatica
Francesco Spinnato, Dottorando in Data Science alla Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa ed associato con incarico di collaborazione presso il Laboratorio KDD del Cnr-Isti, ha vinto il Premio...
Best Paper Award at 5th International Workshop on eXplainable Knowledge Discovery in Data Mining
2023-09-25 h.09:35
The paper "FIPER: a Visual-based Explanation Combining Rules and Feature Importance" by Eleonora Cappuccio (University of Pisa), Rosa Lanzilotti (University of Bari), Daniele Fadda and ...
Riparte la Challenge Us, l’iniziativa offerta dalla ricerca per valorizzare i dati delle imprese
2023-04-04 h.09:41
L’Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "Alessandro Faedo" partecipa all’iniziativa Challenge Us 2023 rivolta a tutte le aziende che abbiano dati da valorizzare.Le imprese ch...
EU project awarded EUR8M to develop a new generation of synergistic AI systems
2023-03-24 h.13:30
"Tango" is a new EU funded project set to strengthen the leadership of Europe in human-centric AI: 21 partner organisations from 9 countries across Europe join forces to lay a breakthroug...
Intelligenza artificiale, Tango guida la rivoluzione
2023-03-24 h.13:20
Ventuno partner europei uniscono le forze per gettare le basi di sistemi di IA incentrati sulla persona. Il nuovo modello sarà testato in ambito ospedaliero, bancario e delle politiche pu...
SoBigData RI joins ESFRI: a roadmap to the future
2021-07-14 h.08:19
ESFRI, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures, has selected SoBigData to be part of the Roadmap 2021. This ambitious recognition given to the most important AI and big da...
Intervento di Luca Pappalardo al programma "Superquark Più" condotto da Piero Angela
Link: Luca Pappalardo (KDD Lab) spiega la ricerche di Isti-Cnr sulla valutazione ...
Isti ottiene il finanziamento da ERC per una ricerca che punta a rendere i metodi di intelligenza artificiale comprensibili alle persone
Il progetto intitolato "XAI: Science and Technology for the eXplanation of AI decision making" ha come proponente principale Fosca Giannotti (KDD Lab) dell"Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologi...
Data Science Ph.D. Day 2018
2018-06-22 h.14:00
The goal of the workshop is to let the Data Science PhD students present the initial ideas and plans for their PhD thesis proposals, receive feedback and comments from the board, and cons...
Eleven innovations developed in European Projects with ISTI Partner or Coordinator among the List of the EC Innovation Radar
The Innovation Radar (IR) is a new initiative of the European Commission that focuses on the identification of high-potential innovations in the ICT FP7, CIP and H2020 projects and the ...
I dati nella vita di tutti i giorni
2017-02-20 h.10:01
Relatori: Salvatore Rinzivillo (KDD Lab ISTI-CNR), Roberto Trasarti(KDD Lab ISTI-CNR), Michele Mazza (IIT-CNR, Pisa), Valerio Grossi (Dip. Informatica, Università di Pisa) Introduzio...
All'ISTI competenze avanzate e specializzazione professionale a livello europeo
In sette, tra amministrativi e tecnici, che si occupano di gestione e rendicontazione di progetti europei hanno partecipato alla prima edizione on-line dei master organizzati dalla EUC...
Esploratori o abitudinari? Ce lo rivelano i Big Data
Una ricerca sulla mobilità umana, condotta dal Kdd Lab di Università di Pisa e dell’Istituto di scienza e tecnologie dell’informazione del Cnr, insieme al Barabasi Lab di Budapest e ...
Il dato è rotondo (e va in gol)
di L. Pappalardo, D. Pedreschi, P. Cintie e S. Rinzivillo del KDD Lab - Il Sole 24 Ore - Inserto NOVA 24 del 28/06/2015
Il risveglio di Pisa secondo i dati del Gps
Video sull'attività del Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Lab, il laboratorio congiunto del Dipartimento di Informatica dell'Università di Pisa e dell'ISTI-CNR.
XIII AI*IA Symposium on Artificial Intelligence.
The thirteenth Symposium of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA) "Artificial Intelligence for Society and Economy" will take place in Pisa, Italy, from 10 to 12 Dec...
Mobilità: in Toscana l'altro capoluogo è Pisa - Il Tirreno
L’analisi sui flussi di auto tracciati dal Gps: dopo Firenze (e Prato) la città della Torre rappresenta il polo dove confluisce il traffico dei veicoli
Il Comune cerca volontari per studiare i flussi di traffico in entrata e uscita dalla città - La Nazione, Pisa
Viabilità, progetto ideato con cnr e ateneo: per partecipare basta scaricare un’applicazione che registra gli spostamenti
Tag My Day: Volontari per migliorare la mobilità di Pisa
Il laboratorio KDDLAB ( di ISTI-CNR ed Università di Pisa, lancia l'iniziativa TagMyDay che ha come scopo quello di coinvolgere la popolazione del territorio de...
App del Cnr studia la mobilità dei pisani - La Nazione, Pisa
Articolo sul progetto del Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory (Kddlab) dell'ISTI, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Informatica dell'Universita' di Pisa.
ER 2013 - Best Paper Award
Baquara: A Holistic Ontological Framework for Movement Analysis with Linked Data - Renato Fileto, Marcelo Krüger, Nikos Pelekis, Yannis Theodoridis and Chiara Renso received the Best Pape...
New book: "Mobility Data: Modelling Management and Understanding" by Dr Chiara Renso, Dr Stefano Spaccapietra, Dr Esteban Zimányi
Horizon 2020 - Fosca Giannotti is a new expert appointed
Fosca Giannotti as been appointed as a member of Horizon 2020 Advisory Group on European Research Infrastructures including e-Infrastructures.
SoBigData - Towards a European Laboratory on Big Data Analytics and Social Mining: Bootstrap Workshop
2013-07-18 h.10:00
Attendance to the workshop is free of charge but registration is strictly required. Registration Form