Infrastructures for Science (InfraScience)
Head: Pasquale Pagano
Web Site:
Modern science is heavily data and compute-intensive, AI-assisted, participatory, and multidisciplinary. Similarly, sharing and publishing of scientific results are going to be revolutionized to support openness, transparency and reproducibility, and to enable rewards for scientists who publish results of their work beyond the scientific articles. These approaches are expressions of a profound evolution of science practices that on the one hand is enacted by, and on the other demand for, a continuous innovation in IT instruments and approaches.
The InfraScience Laboratory mission is to contribute to this evolution by investigating, experimenting, and closely connecting research and development of innovative digital infrastructures, information systems, and smart solutions for fostering and empowering data-centered research.
The research topics are organised into three interwoven areas:
- Data Infrastructures including Systems of Systems architectures; Distributed and fault-tolerant computing platforms; Distributed and efficient multi-platform storage solutions; Elastic, scalable and cross-platform data analytics; FAIR data management;
- eScience including Collaborative and social computing systems; Virtual Research Environments and Science Gateways; Scientometrics; Scholarly Knowledge Graphs; Computational reproducibility and provenance in scientific workflows; Scientific publishing;
- Intelligent Systems including Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Statistical Relational Learning; Intelligent Integration and Access to Data; Recommender systems.
- Artini Michele Technical Staff
- Assante Massimiliano Research Staff
- Atzori Claudio Research Staff
- Baglioni Miriam Research Staff
- Bardi Alessia Research Staff
- Bosio Catherine Technical Staff
- Candela Leonardo Research Staff
- Casini Giovanni Research Staff
- Cirillo Roberto Research Staff
- Coro Gianpaolo Research Staff
- De Bonis Michele Research Staff
- Debole Franca Research Staff
- Dell'Amico Andrea Technical Staff
- Frosini Luca Research Staff
- La Bruzzo Sandro Fabrizio Technical Staff
- Lelii Lucio Research Staff
- Manghi Paolo Research Staff
- Mangiacrapa Francesco Research Staff
- Mannocci Andrea Research Staff
- Molinaro Elisa Research Staff
- Oliviero Alfredo Research Staff
- Pagano Pasquale Research Staff
- Panichi Giancarlo Technical Staff
- Pavone Gina Research Staff
- Peccerillo Biagio Research Staff
- Piccioli Tommaso Technical Staff
- Straccia Umberto Research Staff
- Angioni Simone Postdoctoral Fellow
- Bartolini Sandro Research Associate
- Biagioni Stefania Research Associate
- Bloisi Giambattista Visiting Fellow
- Castelli Donatella Research Associate
- Irrera Ornella Doctoral Student
- Lettere Marco Research Collaborator
- Meyer Thomas Andreas Research Associate
- Mugnaini Mauro Research Collaborator
- Pavirani Laura Research Associate
- Sgambelluri Nicola Visiting Fellow
- Varzinczak Ivan Research Associate
The ATLAS of Italian Digital Humanities: a dynamic knowledge graph of digital scholarly research on Italian Cultural Heritage
Blue Cloud 2026
A federated European FAIR and Open Research Ecosystem for oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters
Maximising the CO-benefits of agricultural Digitalisation through conducive digital ECoSystems
Creating a Robust Accessible Federated Technology for Open Access
D4GNA - Geoportale Nazionale per l’Archeologia
D4Science Infrastructure
Ecocentric management for sustainable fisheries and healthy marine ecosystems
ECS - Robotics and AI for Socio-economic Empowerment Spoke 5
EOSC Future
EOSC Future
Core Components Supporting a FAIR EOSC
FOSSR - CUP B83C22003950001
FOSSR - Fostering Open Science in Social Science Research
In-vivo Gene Editing by NanotransducErs
IRISCC - Integrated Research Infrastructure Services for Climate Change risks
Mountain Valorization through Interconnectedness and Green Growth
An Imaging Biobank to Precisely Prevent and Predict cancer, and facilitate the Participation of oncologic patients to Diagnosis and Treatment
Open Science Plan-Track-Assess Pathways
Skills for the European Open Science Commons: Creating a Training Ecosystem for Open and FAIR Science
SoBigData RI PPP
SoBigData RI Preparatory Phase Project
SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics’ — ‘SoBigData-PlusPlus’ - CUP B53C22001760006 Strengthening the Italian RI for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics
TAILOR (InfraScience)
Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization
Workshop "Accessing Digital Humanities Research on the Cultural Heritage"
2026-03-26 h.08:30
The ATLAS Team is pleased to invite you to the Workshop "Accessing Digital Humanities Research on the Cultural Heritage" to be held in Bologna on March 26, 2025. https://dh-atlas.github....
Research infrastructures for Open Science
2024-11-14 h.10:04
Scientific research is a complex system based, increasingly, on the possibility of collecting and exchanging information, knowledge and data with ease and reliability. In this context, r...
Le infrastrutture di ricerca per l’Open Science al CNR
2024-11-14 h.09:52
Durante l’ultima edizione della GenoOA week, una intera sessione, organizzata da ISTI, è stata dedicata a questo tipo di tecnologie, abilitanti per la raccolta, la gestione e lo scambio d...
Il Cnr alla GenOA week 2024
2024-11-07 h.13:00
Il Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche co-organizza - unitamente all'Università di Genova, all'Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, all’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare e ad AIB Liguria -...
Best Poster Award PhD Day 2024
2024-10-18 h.09:30
Laura Pavirani, Dottoranda presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione dell’Università di Pisa, ed associata con incarico di collaborazione presso il Laboratorio InfraScience d...
Ricercatori del Cnr e della Fao rivelano le aree principali della pesca illegale nel Mediterraneo
2024-08-05 h.13:54
I ricercatori Gianpaolo Coro (Istituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'informazione "Alessandro Faedo” - Cnr-Isti), Laura Pavirani (Cnr-Isti e Istituto di scienze marine - Cnr-Ismar) e Anton...
All'Oasi Lipu di Massaciuccoli per divulgare i risultati delle proiezioni future sulla biodiversità del Lago
2024-07-31 h.12:23
Ricercatori e ricercatrici dell'Istituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'informazione "Alessandro Faedo” (Cnr-Isti) e dell'Istituto di geoscienze e georisorse (Cnr-Igg) hanno tenuto un semin...
Il cambiamento della biodiversità animale del bacino del Lago di Massaciuccoli nel 2050
2024-05-21 h.06:20
Il bacino del Lago di Massaciuccoli in Toscana è un'attrazione turistica suggestiva, grazie anche alla sua variegata biodiversità. Il bacino è infatti un nodo fondamentale per la migrazio...
I lockdown del COVID-19 hanno rivelato la resilienza delle flotte di pescherecci dell'Adriatico alla chiusura delle attività di pesca
2022-01-21 h.15:24
L'articolo, risultato di una collaborazione multidisciplinare tra vari istituti (Cnr-Isti, Cnr-Irbim e Cnr-Ias) nel contesto del progetto Snapshot-CNR, dimostra che i lockdown europei del...
Mappa dell'habitat del calamaro gigante
2021-10-04 h.07:30
Lunedì 4 ottobre 2021 alle ore 21.20, durante la prima puntata di Mistery Land - La grande favola dell'ignoto, all'interno del servizio su "I mostri degli Abissi", sarà visualizzata la Ma...
Unsustainable Fishing: The situation in the Mediterranean
2021-07-07 h.10:11
Intervista a Gianpaolo Coro su aspetti di modellazione e previsione della disponibilità alimentare provienente dalla pesca. Link: